Comrade inspector game

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Welcome to the Cold War, comrades! Congratulations on your recent promotion to leading prestigious missile assembly factories. Do not ask what happened to the previous leaders. Don't worry, this is an easy job compared to clearing forests in Siberia! We'll provide you all the parts you need, and all you have to do is assemble them faster than the Americans. Got it?

I, the Commissar of Missile Quality (aka the Commisqual), have more important things to do than inspect all your missiles, so each month one of you will be acting inspector. If I hear that any half assembled missiles make it through inspection, I will be very angry. But first, a lesson on nukes...

Anatomy of a nuke

Each fully operational missile has 3 parts:

  1. The nose cone guidance system
  2. The nuclear warhead
  3. The rocket thrusters

The nose cone must be installed at the top of the missile, the warhead must be in the middle of the missile, and the thrusters must be on the bottom. Be sure to assemble your missile with the parts in the correct positions. Missiles with parts in the wrong places will not be accepted. The depot may give you parts that contain other things; these are unacceptable in every position.

Missile assembling

The first acting inspector is whoever has assembled a missile-looking thing most recently. They receive the inspector hat (or the Comrade Inspector card with the magnifying glass).

Each month (round) all of you who are not acting inspector will pick up missile parts from the top of the parts depot (shuffled face down draw pile), so that you have at least 5 parts in your hand-y warehouse (your hand).

Each good soviet workers except the acting inspector will assemble from the parts in your hand a missile in a stack of 3 parts face down and will submit the stack as if it were a complete missile to the acting inspector. Make sure the parts are in the correct positions in the missile. Thrusters make bad nose cones. Everyone will submit their missiles at the same time by shipping (moving) their face down missile stack half way toward the acting inspector with the nose cone position facing the inspector and the thruster position facing the assembler. Once each comrade (except the inspector) has submitted a missile, the inspector starts inspecting.

The acting inspector only has time for 1 search per player (4 for a 4 player game), however he may choose to spend his time inspecting any missile and any part he wants. Conducting a search is simple: the inspector may choose any missile and reveal to everyone the part in any one position (top, middle, or bottom). If that part is the correct part in the correct position, then he puts the part face up back where he found it. If the part is unacceptable, that is if it is a dud or it is in the wrong position, then everyone knows that the missile is not up to code. The inspector confiscates the missile and may take a single part from it and put it in his warehouse (hand) as a reward for revealing this treachery.

All leaders whose missiles either passed inspection or went uninspected selects a single part from their missile to keep and places it face up in front of them as proof of their passing missile.

The rest of the parts, including the missiles that failed inspection, are then thrown in the trash pile (face up discard pile). If ever the parts depot runs out of parts, recycle (shuffle) the discarded parts back into the parts depot without telling my commander.

The inspector hat (magnifying glass card) then passes to the left and the missile assembling next month starts.


Whoever constructs a full missile with their face up parts from missiles passing inspection or going uninspected plus collects 1 piece of face up junk (4 cards in total: 1 nose cone, 1 warhead, 1 thruster, and 1 piece of junk) wins the game.
