Ticket to Ride: Joy Ride

Welcome, comrades! Congratulations on your recent 'election' to the new Soviet World Council. You have been granted the privilege of celebrating with a victory tour to as many cities as possible in a route. The whole Council is on board and every day somebody new is in charge. If ever the Party stops and has to back up, then whoever is responsible will be kicked off the Council. And who wants to visit the same city twice? Nobody!


The goal of this game is to be the last one standing on the Council and inherit the world dictatorship. You are knocked out if you are the Party pooper who failed to extend the Joy Ride to the next city. At all costs, do not displease the Party.


Everyone must adopt the most Russian sounding pseudonym (always a good choice in this line of work) and whoever chose the most Russian sounding name is voluntold to go first. Congratulations. If anyone slips up and uses anything other than the Russian name, he or she must discard a card at random.

Alternatively, decide the first player by mixing 1 wild into a stack with the same number of cards as players. Shuffle the stack and allow people to choose their own card. Whoever chooses the wild goes first.

The first player gets to decide in which city the Joy Ride begins. He or she may choose any city so long as it is Moscow. If Moscow is not on the map, any city that is the closest to Moscow shall be chosen freely. In Soviet Russia, you are free to choose only what we say. This is not the former US of A.

Deal each player 1 wild and 1 train card of each color. If you are using ships, deal each player 1 ship of each color also. Double ship cards count the same as singles. Don't get excited.


The first player places her or his train or boat on the starting city. Then he or she chooses a city for the Joy Ride train to stop at next by playing a single card for any route that connects the starting city with the next one. The card played must be the same color as the route chosen and be of the same type, either train or ship. Gray routes can take any color card (it must be correct vehicle type, though) and wild cards may be played on any color route. The player then fills in the chosen route with his or her trains or ships (or just place one train or ship; you just must indicate that that route has been used. Two trains or ships works well enough for government work).

If a player cannot extend the Joy Ride because she or he has no cards left, she or he does not have the correct colored card, or if all the adjacent cities have already been visited, then you are a Party pooper and you are kicked off the Council, you hypocritical Trotskyite. You are out and may now go frolic with the dirty Capitalist Pigs.

Now the last player who successfully played a card backs the train up to the last city that has a route to an unvisited city, leaving all the already placed trains and ships on the board.

Required materials

No reported casualties. No further testing is required for launch.






How far can you go solo with trains and ships?

Too far

No reported casualties. No further testing is required for launch.

Suggestions are welcome, though incorrect comments may lead to your exile to the Gulag in Siberia or land you in front of a firing squad.